That is the face of a student who isn't super excited about surgery.
Anyway, I'm done with my first clerkship of third year! Crazy crazy. I don't have a whole bunch to say in my monthly post this time, as all of July was spent on OB/GYN and I'm planning to do a clerkship rundown post in the not-too-distant future, so this will probably be short and not super interesting.
The past month consisted of another two weeks on labor and delivery, a week on gynecologic surgery, and a week on gynecologic oncology, before I spent the past few days in outpatient clinic seeing both gyn and obstetrics patients. My last week on L&D was spent on night float, which was AWESOME [you can read a little bit more about that here]. I helped catch two babies on night float, and almost got to catch a couple more until they turned into slightly complicated deliveries and my resident took over. two weeks on the surgical services were not particularly exciting. I did get to observe and learn about a variety of problems and procedures on both services, but there weren't a lot of opportunities for me to participate and that left me more than a little underwhelmed. We did end up treating a patient for an ectopic pregnancy literally hours after my classmates and I had done a simulation regarding ectopics and management of an unstable patient, so that was super exciting in its own way.
I won't find out my shelf exam for another couple of days but I have a pretty good feeling about it overall - knock on wood. And I'm pretty excited to start family medicine next week! I really enjoyed OB, but I'm about ready for a change. After a week of orientation and classroom learning type stuff, I'm going to actually be doing my rotation with my same doctor and same clinic from my preceptorship last summer! Which will of course be a blast, because they are some of the kindest people I have ever met and I know I'm going to have a great time.